Topsail Sea Turtles Return Home

5 Jun

Topsail Island Sea Turtles Return Home The New Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center is Now Open to the Public! What a sight to behold was the recent Karen Beasley Sea Turtle Rescue and Rehabilitation Center’s “turtle release” in Surf City, NC! Monday, June 2, 2014, was a beautiful day to attend my first ever “turtle graduation,” as some Sea Turtle Hospital volunteers proudly dubbed the festivities. Additional releases took place Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of this week. Honestly, I’m not sure if it was the fact that I am pregnant myself, or if there was more to it than that, but I became quite emotional as I approached the staging area and saw nearly a dozen turtles cradled in the arms of caring volunteers. Each one I approached proudly showed off the turtle (whether small or large) in their care.

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